EXIP — The ‘Out of the Box’ Revolution

3 min readSep 30, 2021


Many technologies taken for granted today were quiet revolutions in their time. Throughout the last couple of decades smart devices, computers and most importantly internet technology have completely changed and continues to revolutionize the way we live our lives in addition to becoming a game changer for the global economy.

The dominant technological advancement

Today the most recent captivating technology is the blockchain — a peer-to-peer network that sits astride the internet. Blockchain is built upon a technology where multiple copies of data exist across a network rather than on a single server or database.

Blockchain Technology

In short, blockchain is an encrypted digital database shared by several parties in a distributed network. Any transaction that occurs in the network is recorded, verified, and stored in a database. Transactions are broadcast to all network participants creating an unalterable transaction log.

Since there is no centralized authority or institution controlling it, participants can access the same version of the data in near real-time. The decentralized management allows for faster, less costly processing of transactions, while also allowing participants to reach consensus on a trustless basis.

Blockchain’s inherent security measures and public ledger make it a prime technology for almost every sector. As a decentralized tech solution the potential and transformative power of blockchain technology offers an entirely new model of economic incentives. They facilitate new ways of working for industrial sectors, commercial processes, governmental structures and economic systems without bounds. It is an especially promising and revolutionary technology because it helps reduce risk, stamps out fraud and brings transparency in a scalable way for myriad users.

The original internet was intended to democratize economic power and influence. The goal was to provide everyone unfettered access to the internet and information. But over time the opposite happened. Today, the internet has very little independence. Countries, governments, corporations and individuals do not ‘own’ their domain name but instead have to arbitrarily bend to the whims and will of certain non-profit entitles, governments and top tech giants resulting in little internet independence.

EXIP as a solution

As a solution, the EXIP Project rolled out as a ‘By Community for Community’ project, is focused on creating more independence for the Internet and the online world. EXIP is driven by the need to ensure the Internet remains neutral without domains and Top-Level Domains (TLDs) being monopolistically controlled by entities such as Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Going beyond the conventional mindset, the robust technology of the EXIP Project has embraced out of the box thinking to revolutionize and decentralize the Internet.

The EXIP ecosystem is custom-built to cater to the needs of individuals, private entities and government Institutions. To overcome the current restrictions, the project proposes application of a Blockchain Domain Name System (DNS) solution where an agnostic Non-Fungible Token (NFT) — a unique blockchain-based token with the ability to verify authenticity, history and ownership — identifies and protects domains and TLDs. Thus, the EXIP solution ensures the owner of any domain or top-level domain to have complete control of its usage, even to the extent of creating and providing new domain names via subdomains. Once the project reaches fruition, EXIP envisions a global community with a genuinely free and open internet.

